Monday, August 16, 2010

A Brief Respite

So I write....and then I don't write.
For weeks, I don't write.
I lose a follower, and then another.
I feel bad about myself.
I eat gallons of ice cream and drag lipstick in large circles across my face while screaming "be pretty!!!"

That's an exaggeration.

But I DO feel bad. And I certainly didn't start bloging to make myself feel any worse than I already do.
(Anyone with a vagina knows that women are pretty good at making themselves feel like crap WITHOUT additional "blog guilt")

So I'm taking a break.
A simple-enough fix, I suppose.

I doubt it'll be a permanant break. More like a hiatus of sorts.
I'll refresh my writing.
I'll chant and meditate and wave smoking sticks of insense around the house until I feel ready to contribute quality posts to this blog again.
And in the meantime, you won't have to suffer the injustice of a crappy blog post (well, those of you who are left, that is).

I'll miss you all terribly.
I'll miss writing, those few times per month when I'm actually inclined to do so.

But I won't miss the guilt, and I wont' miss the lipstick (the ice cream, on the other hand, will be a source of grief for many nights to come)

Goodbye for now...


carrie @ brick city love said...

But how will I keep up with what's going on in your life?! Text me.

phairhead said...

i'll miss yr crazy conversation w/ the dogs!

come back soon :D

Danielle said...

Enjoy your break, see you when you get back:)

Elise said...

I feel your pain. Be well, and recharge anew. May your cats never need to wear melon hats.

Leah Rubin said...

Chill. We'll wait. But keep reading OUR blogs-- we need the love, too! (Kidding. Not.)

Kim said...

Come back when you're refreshed!

Ed said...

I give it a week.

Christina Harper said...

Have fun on your hiatus, if it even lasts that long. Lol. IN the grand scheme of things, I predict it will register as barely a blimp on our blogging radars.