Thursday, November 20, 2008

Confessions of a Work-a-holic

Wow. My apologies for not posting in so, so, SO long. Work has been keeping me busy - more specifically that stack of printed-out powerpoint slides I like to call "exhibit A". And by busy, I mean, working-night-and-weekends BUSY! I used to chuckle at so-called work-a-holics. I always wondered why they would choose to spend the best years of their lives holed up in a crummy office filling out TPS reports and the like. But this week I realized that many work-a-holics don't CHOOSE to work that hard. They just don't have much say in the matter.

I did not CHOOSE to work though my comp day, weekend, and stay up until midnight (seriously, people, MIDNIGHT) on Tuesday to finish a project. I just didn't have a choice. The deadline had been delayed as long as possible, and it was up to me to pull off the impossible. And I did, but at the cost of my sanity and a few tearful phonecalls to my mom and Brian as stress finally got the best of my emotional fortitude. But on the bright side, I did get to meet those wonderful cleaning people who empty my garbage can and vacuum the crumbs off my floor and may or may not have superglued my paperclip jar to my desk (a long story for another day).

So, although things are still very, VERY busy, I'm hoping to take a breather here and there to blog a bit.
Stay tuned...I'm sure hilarity will ensue (in my mind, at least).

1 comment:

Martha & Dani said...

Yeah, now you know why I work where I work instead of where you work or where I used to work. EXactly.