They ride the crazies.

So yeah...I fell yesterday.
And here's the deal...I was riding a horse considered by all accounts to be very, very safe.
I've ridden him pretty regularly since December of '09. He's a fantastic horse - good natured, hard working, and again, I can't stress this enough, very, very safe.
So we went to take a jump, as we've done many times before.
But yesterday? He wasn't feeling it.
So he went left, and I kind of tipped forward because, okay, my heels weren't down but again, he's the SAFE, HARD-WORKING, HONEST horse that you don't really need to keep your heels down with because he ALWAYS takes the jump...
...except for yesterday.
So he goes left and I tip forward and...
Here's the weird part:
I could have stayed on.
I swear to god, I could have used all my strength to pull myself back in the saddle, swing that horse around, and make him jump that jump like it was going out of style.
But instead? I kind of looked at the ground - which was so close anyway on account of my head being down around his shoulder - and I just kind of ...went limp.
Went limp as in, I honestly couldn't be bothered to keep myself in the saddle.
This is the same girl who once, when she was riding and her horse slid and fell on its side, was STILL IN THE SADDLE when it struggled to its feet because she refused to fall off.
This is the same girl who took two final jumps of a jump course with her saddle SLIDING OFF THE SIDE OF THE HORSE because she refused to fall off (especially when she was wining the competition).
This girl...
As of yesterday, chose to fall rather than break a sweat trying to stay in the saddle after her very, very safe horse skipped out to the left of a jump no taller than her knees.
Even the horse, after coming to a stop, turned around and looked at me like, "Really, Lily? REALLY?"
I think he was embarassed for me.
And that, my friends, is how I know that...while I'm not OLD...I am most CERTAINLY older than I used to be.
It's kind of like that Toby Keith song...
"I ain't as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was"
Except that doesn't really make sense.
But you know what he's trying to say:
Shit only gets suckier after you hit 22-ish.
Amen, Toby Keith, with your rugged goatee and appropriately battered cowboy hat...Amen.
Consequently, I wrenched my neck while falling.
But it didn't hurt at the time...or later that night...or the next morning.
It hurt exactly 27 hours after the initial impact.
Again...Not old
Le sigh.