Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Close Goddamn Call

My dilemma over what to do with this blog came to a head last night while my husband, my sister and I were playing Wineopoly and imbibing a shiraz or two (natch).

I expressed, more or less, that this blog isn't what it used to be. That I had read posts from a year ago and god DAMN were they funny. That I just wasn't the same person I was back then...that I had outlets now and a happy life and that just didn't make for funny posts...that I felt like every time I blogged I was disappointing my readers...etc, with much slurring.

And in response, my sister expressed, more or less, that I should always choose a happy life over an awesome blog, and that although I shouldn't stop blogging, maybe I should put this particular blog to rest....etc, and then she knocked over a wine glass

Then I pointed out, more or less, that when I lost all of my blog formatting, it felt kind of like a sign, and is it really the same blog anymore without all my stuff on it?...etc, while trying to feed Milo a playing piece because it was in the shape of a wedge of cheese

So she pointed out, more or less, that the universe is usually pretty good at handing out signs, and I should probably listen to it, but in the end, it doesn't really matter because this is just one of many lives we will have in our attempt to reach nirvana...etc, buddhism whatnot...blah blah blah...while almost falling out of her chair

In other words, I was ready to end this blog for realz last night.

But while typing this today, I've decided that I'm not ready to let go. Not yet, at least. Somewhere in me is that woman who could write some seriously funny shit. Somewhere in me is that bizarre, creative, wonky person who managed to get at least 87 people (give or take) to commit to follow her daily ramblings.

And while this person is seriously in hiding, I don't think she's gone yet.

So I'll keep this blog around for a little while longer, hoping she turns up now and again to make you snort coffee out your nose.

Because that's what she would want me to do.


phairhead said...

Glad to see yr sticking around!
You'll be getting a muffin basket

Mr. Apron said...

We're not ready to let you go either, Lil.


Whoops-- I just sharted myself.

Jamie said...

Dear Lily,

Please don't abandon me in the land of blogs! It's bad enough that I don't get to see you in the land of real life!

Love Always,


adrienzgirl said...

Blogs take on new life. Followers come and go. Your blog is a reflection of who you are at the time. You're still funny. Don't abandon it! We love you!

Kim said...

I'm glad you're staying with us. The Internets would be lonely without you.

carrie @ brick city love said...

I've learned the desire to blog ebbs & flows and sometimes changes direction. It doesn't have to be any ONE style; it's your blog. Change is good. Glad you're not giving it up completely.

Christina Harper said...

Blogs constantly evolve. Just because it's not what it used to be, doesn't mean you should give up on it. Glad you've decided to not give up yet. Yay.