Sunday, March 8, 2009

Things I've learned while out on disability

1. Surgery - even out-patient surgery - generally sucks
2. traffic barely changes between rush-hour and n0n-rush-hour times. where the heck is everybody going? dont you people have jobs?
3. it kills me to forego capitalization and punctuation while typing with my left hand, but i do it anyway to save time. a part of me dies everytime.
4. cats really do sleep 23 hours a day. dogs pretty much do too. i do too when im on pain meds
5. you never get too old to enjoy your mothers cooking
6. if you dont wash your hand, after a while, it starts to smell like a foot. and that is gross
7. if cutting your partners food into tiny pieces so she can eat isn't love, then i dont know what is. and on that note...
8. brian is awesome and has the patience of a saint
9. im generally quite susceptible to infomercials. if im awake at 5 am, i should read a book otherwise i might buy a home gym or a food dehydrater
10. typing this took about 13 minutes. im appalled.

and thanks to ellegant for giving me a blog award and leaving cheerful 'get well' comments. you made my day!

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