Monday, February 8, 2010

Is It Date Rape If You're Married?

It's Memoir Monday over at Travis's place, and this picture pretty much sums up our lives right now:

Both in the metaphorical sense - as in, the cat represents the crushing weight of financial strain and life uncertainty, and the handsome, possibly-dead man represents our failing struggle to cope with such an oppressing burden.

And in the literal sense - as in, we don't really get out much.

And no, if anybody is wondering, I did not slip my husband a roofie, although that guy had enough Nyquil in him to take down a bull elephant and chances are, I could have probably had my way with him.

But who are we kidding?
You can't rape the willing.

Moving on....

I've been finding myself in a bit of a quandry lately.
As I've been sitting here, struggling to make ends meet while searching for freelance gigs and filling my spare time with various hobbies and housework, I can't help but think I'm squandering an enormous opportunity.

I mean, how many times have you ever said to yourself, "If it wasn't for my job I would..."

Me? I must have said it a million times. And that elipsis was followed by a million wonderful things, like moving to a foreign country or hiking the Appalachian Trail or opening a Cold Stone franchise and eating myself into a diabetic coma.
The point is, time after time, I felt that the only thing holding me back from accomplishing a truly great existance was my job.

And now that my job is no longer in the picture?
I seem to spend a lot of time folding boxer shorts and hanging out on Facebook. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing and lord knows I like handling my husband's underwear (really, Lily? You're REALLY going to write that on your blog?!?), but it's isn't exactly what I would call an epic existance.

And lately? I can't help feeling like I have the drive and motivation to do something truly great, and instead of wasting my time chasing gigs to do writing that I don't even really like that much, maybe I should take this golden opportunity and do something thats worth putting on a tombstone.

Of course, there are other significant hurdles. Like money, for one thing, and the fact that Brian and I practically have a meltdown if we don't get enough quality time with each other. And of course, there is the big question of WHAT WILL I DO?

I mean, I have some ideas, but most of them require either money or significant time away from my spouse.

But I can tell you this. Something - SOMETHING - is bubbling inside of me. And for once, it's not gas.

Whether I like it or not, I have been handed a great gift.

And now it seems like the only questions left is, what will I do with it?


Travis said...


You have a picture, and today is Picture Memoir Monday. I think people are going to get pissed, but I'm going to link you anyway.

Just sayin. If you can tear yourself away from Facebook for about 38 seconds, you can maybe mention why I linked you.

"It's Memoir Monday at Travis' place." Something like that. It's cause I love you, really.

Mr. Apron said...

Oh, come on, Lily. Just admit it.

It's gas.

But, not to worry-- that's a precursor to fantastic things to come. All grand ideas start as gas pains. It's a proven fact.

adrienzgirl said...

Everything happens for a reason. You will find your place as soon as the time is right. Just make sure you seize the moment when it presents itself. Sometimes I get so caught up in all the insignificant to realize the extraordinary is right. in. front. of. me.

You'll be fine! Promise.

Organic Meatbag said...

I was going to make a crude joke about handling what's IN the underwear, but I thought against it...oh wait, I just said it anyway...well, there you have it!

Kim said...

You'll figure it out. It takes some time to adjust and focus on something that you want to tackle.

Ed said...

At least you're using your freetime wisely.
