Friday, January 30, 2009
Movin' On Up
Change is kind of the theme as of late, because, ironically, I’m also moving out of my apartment this weekend. This is great because: A) I’m officially moved in with my main squeeze (even though I’ve actually been living there for quite some time), and B) I won’t have to pay for rent and cable for February. Wahoo! But this is also kind of bad in the timing department because I’ve got a busy month of vacation and work travel coming up starting on Monday, and I’m kind of falling behind in all the stuff I still gotta do. No matter. Whatever gets done will get done, and whatever doesn’t…well…will be waiting for me when I get home.
But this ‘official’ move out of my apartment has kind of left me feeling a little more settled and at home in that amazing house of his…er…I mean ours. Poor Brian is slowly losing his bachelor pad one vase and wall-hanging at a time. He seems to be taking it in good stride, though. It’s all about turning HIS house into OUR home, and I think this transition is putting a smile or two on both our mugs. *takes a moment with that dopey grin on her face to reflect on moving in with Brian. Warm fuzzies abound…*
So, I’ve got about a million things to do between now and Monday when we leave for our fabulous winter vacation in Quebec including (but not limited to) moving out of my apartment, massive amounts of laundry, packing, gatherings Jericho’s crap together for a stay with Mom-mom and Pop-pop McVey, and perhaps taking part in the annual Mt. Holly Chili Cook-off. Okay, I’ll most likely just be hanging out with Carrie, Rob, Skip, and Erin and sampling delicious chili while THEY take part in the Chili Cook-Off, but I’ll take a little “fame by association.” And if I’m not mistaken, Brian is trying his darndest to squeeze in an early-morning game of “old school pond hockey” in the drainage area next to the house on Sunday (injuries are anticipated), capped off with dinner and a doggy-transfer at the McVey’s Sunday night. Monday’s adventures start at about 4:00am EST.
I swear, I didn’t know that 4:00 am even existed ‘till I met this kid.
Whew. I’m tired already.
So, stay tuned for NUMEROUS fabulous pictures of my Quebec adventure and hopefully a jubilant (and possibly drunken) announcement of divorce in the near future. Hooray for Fridays! Hooray for Vacations! Hooray for CHANGE!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I could have written about how excited I am that my trip is 5 days away and how I have muchos

I almost wrote about the winter “storm” we’re going to get, and even

And it occurred to me to write about how awesome it is that

I’d like to think it’s a little of both.
Or maybe I just watch too much Discovery Channel.
Friday, January 23, 2009
And Speaking of Nuts...
Happy National Peanut Butter Appreciation Day!!!!!!!
Well, technically, its tomorrow, not today, but I avoid the computer like the plague on weekends, so I’ll have to post my salute to all things peanut butter a day early.
Anyway, I encourage you all to go out and enjoy some delicious peanut butter. Just do it responsibly – that salmonella outbreak is no joke. Strait up. You don’t want no salmodizzle in your peanut bizzle.
Clinically Depressed Poodle Attacks Former French President

Chirac's wife said Sumo has become crazier and crazier over the years. He's like the gay ass version of Cujo! Cujosofierce! The bitch was diagnosed "clinically depressed" and is currently on anti-depressants. She said, "The dog went for him for no apparent reason. We were already aware the animal was unpredictable and is actually being treated with pills for depression. My husband was bitten quite badly, but he is certain to make a full recovery over the coming weeks."
Maybe Sumo was sick of taking Prozac or whatever the fuck they are hiding in his Fancy Feast (you know he eats cat food, he's that elegant). Bitch just wants a damn joint and a DRANK so he can mellow the hell out.
It's obvious that Sumo and Chirac can no longer be best girlfriends. That's why I'm suggesting that Parasite Hilton adopts Sumo. The ugly whore loves dogs, right? Once he's done mauling the wonk off her face, he can go live with Jessica Simpson, then the Kardashians....and so on and so forth.... Sumo: Mauling the dumb bitches of Hollywood one bite at a time!

Benny was seriously insane. He used to pee all over any crate or room that we would try to put him in, which completely defies the purpose of crating in the first place. What kind of nut-job pees where he sleeps?! Benny would also bite me on a regular basis, because he was the worst dog that ever existed. Period. One time, he almost bit me in the eye. If his tooth had hit me an inch to the left, I would have been blind! Ironically, we had to put him down at the ripe old age of 14 because he went blind. My mom had to stay home with him because he kept running in to things. LOL. Serves him right, the little bastard. Anyway, let’s have a moment of silence for the most evil dog that was ever conceived from the depths of hell.
Benny, you might have been the biggest POS dog that ever lived, but you are missed (in a McCain-misses-Vietnam kind of way)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
McNugget, Anyone?
Now, I know what you’re thinking right now...
“Wow, I LOVE strawberry ice-cream, and that’s a WHOLE LOTTA strawberry ice-cream there!”
But allow me to burst your bubble.
This, I’m sorry to say, is what Chicken McNuggets are made out of.
Ladies and Gentleman, may I present to you:
Mechanically separated chicken.
Ugh, I knew there was a reason why I’ve been abstaining from McDonalds for the past 3 years and 2 months. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Happy Thursday, folks.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Chasing Time

My poor painting sits in the sunroom, half finished waiting to turn into something instead of blotches of nothing. My junkmail piles up in a passive-aggressive kind of way, not really demanding attention, but not exactly settling for being ignored, either. My dog looks up at me and says, “Why don’t we go on walks anymore? Remember walks? They’re so fun!” And the projects conceived in my brain are getting backed up; it’s like a traffic jam of ideas and potential, being held up by…what? Time, I guess. Or a lack thereof.
Between work and commuting and meals and the gym and my need for excessive amounts of sleep (9 hours, kthanxbye) and an insatiable appetite for quality time with the boyfriend, it seems like there’s very little time left for stuff. There’s a constant tug-of-war going on in my head these days:
“Sweep the floor or cuddle with the dog”
“Fold the laundry or watch an hour of TV”
And if Brian and I are home together, it’s like life stops completely. I know that’s not really a rational way to go about day-to-day living, but god help me, if he’s around, chances are I’ll be up his ass. Can’t help it – I love the guy. We could be watching paint dry (actually, that’s exactly what we did last night), and as long as we’re together, I’m having a blast. Great for my happiness; not so good for dishes that are piling up in the kitchen sink. Meh.
I was hoping that after the holidays, things would settle down a bit. Granted, the great “Basement Flood of ‘08” has demanded more time and attention that we would have ever though possible (who knew concrete walls required not one, not two, but THREE freaking coats of paint to look uniformly white?!?). And granted, of late, precious weekends have spent in the pursuit of all things fun rather than getting around to organizing the bathroom closet. But c’mon people! You only live once! And snowboarding is really fun!
Well, I fear I’m paying for these adventures with a messy house, a rammy dog, and a pile of laundry that probably requires its own zipcode. And I think I’m going to have to learn to be okay with that, because until scientists figure out a way to cram a few more hours in the day, my time will be limited to working, eating, driving, snuggling with my man, and attempting to get my heart-rate up to 165 bpm. And if I happen to have the luxury of an entire day off with Brian, then adventures will be pursued, no matter what the cost. I guess it’s just all about priorities. My floor may be covered in animal hair, and I may be running out of clean dishes, but come Monday, I’ll probably have a pretty cool story to tell. Just try to ignore my wrinkled clothes.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Out with the Old and In with the New

Friday, January 16, 2009
Happy Birthday, Happy Friday. Lets Go Climb Some Rocks!

Last night, Brian and I cashed in those two gift certificates for rock-climbing lessons I got at Christmas at Go Vertical in Philly. What an absolute blast! Our lesson was at 7:00, but we were having so much fun we closed out the joint at 10:00. They practically had to kick us out – it was that much fun. Needless to say, I’m a little tired today, but when you have a schizophrenic sense of adventure like mine, sometimes sleep has to play second fiddle to rocking and rolling. Luckily, Brian’s sense of adventure is just as bizarre and insatiable as mine, so we can share these experiences together. At least, until one of us kills ourselves ;-) But then how will we belay? Hmmmm….

At any rate, I recommend rock climbing to…well…just about anybody. It’s a lot less technical and a lot more hands on (pardon the pun) than I would have expected. Essentially, you get a half-hour crash course in how to safely climb and belay your partner (not as complicated as one might expect. Trust me – if I can do it, anybody can do it), and then they set you loose in the gym! As my instructor put it, “unleash your inner monkey.” How did she know I have an inner monkey?!?
So you clip yourself in to the rope, make sure your partner does the same, and up you go. About 5 stories up, to be exact. Unfortunately, I have this fear – well, more like discomfort – of heights that immediately causes my palms to sweat. Sweaty palms and rock climbing do NOT mix. I definitely need to invest in one of those cool pouches o’ chalk I saw the regulars sporting on their belts. Luckily, courses are marked with different colored tape, and rated for difficulty. The easier courses have deeper “thingeys” to grab (I need to find out what the name of those things are), so my sweaty palm syndrome wasn’t a big deal.

I’ve pretty much decided that there are too many cool things to do in life. Work is really starting to interfere with my intense desire to participate in all things active and semi-dangerous. Between hiking, camping, horseback riding, kayaking, snowboarding, kick boxing, rock climbing, and any other hobby I may pick up, there really isn’t time for a 9-5 job. I need to win the lottery, like, now. In the meantime, I guess I’ll have reserve these activities for evenings and weekends only. Does that make me a Weekend Warrior? Maybe more like a Weekend Spaz, but I’ll take it. Anything is better than sitting in front of the TV. Anything.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Almost 27

Don't worry, I’m not going to make this a lament about being a year closer to the dreaded age of 30. In fact, I just read a forum posting by a girl who was about to turn 22 and was convinced that her life was over because she felt so old, and I really just wanted to reach through the computer screen and smack her “fresh-from-a-night-of-binge-drinking-at-the-frat house” face.
Give me a break.
Twenty-two is not old. Christ, when I was 22, I was still getting used to the fact that I had to work 5 days a week in order to feed, clothe, and house myself. But 27 isn’t old either. In fact, it’s quite young, and I’m happy to say that as I enter my 27th year, I’m finding the later twenties to be quite pleasant: At this age, I consider myself to be slightly less poor and less stupid than I was when I was 22. And that’s an accomplishment. For example, now that I'm (almost) 27, I know how to:
File for a marriage licence
File for divorce
File my tax return
Jumpstart a car
Replace a sump pump
Host a dinner party
Ask for a raise
Drink in moderation
Wake up at a reasonable hour, even on weekends
Hell, I didn’t know how to do ANY of that stuff when I was 22.
Granted, a few lessons had to be learned the hard way. For example, if you’re thinking “I wonder how THIS is gonna turn out” on the way to the wedding chapel, it’s probably not a good idea to get married (more than likely, it’ll turn out in a worst-case-scenario kind of way. Trust me on this one). But I really don’t (or at least try my hardest not to) regret a single bump in the road. At 27, I can say with confidence that I’m completely comfortable in my own skin. And in my mind, that kind of comfort was not given, but earned through a series of obstacles and challenges that left me flat on my face on more than one occasion. Hey, that’s life, right? Every time you can get up, dust yourself off, and make a mental note to not do that again, you’re one step closer to being wise…or, at least, less stupid.
So I propose a toast to 27! Here’s to a year where I’m slightly less stupid, slightly more wealthy, and a heck of a lot better at just being me. Cheers.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The Trip of a Lifetime
Realizing this unfortunate fact of life, he then decided to reveal our destination and itinerary on my birthday, seeing as the trip IS a birthday present and all. And I really have to hand it to him – he ALMOST made it. Almost. I eventually got it out of him last night, after several glasses of wine and a lame attempt at seduction that turned into a wedgie fight (wine is fun).
Apparently, we’re going to Quebec! But that’s just the start of it.
Our first two nights will be spent in one of only two ice hotels in existence, the Hotel de Glace! Freaking incredible!!!! This place boasts an outdoor thermal spa, custom-carved rooms with one-of-a-kind ice artwork (of course, Brian managed to get us a suite, because he’s just that awesome), a restaurant, and even a bar where they serve your drinks in glasses made of ice! At night, you sleep on a bed of ice in a Big-Mamba-Jamba sleeping bag designed to withstand temperatures of -30 degrees F. And get this – during the day, we’ll be dog-sledding. DOG-SLEDDING! Who freaking does that?
After our stay in the ice hotel, we’ll be heading to Quebec to attend the city’s 400th Winter Festival. I’ve heard it’s off the hook. Lots of partying and ice sculptures and canoe races and the like. In between we’ll have a cozy hotel room and several great meals at Quebec’s finest restaurants.
Unbelievable. I’m speechless (well, not really, because I just wrote a blog about it, but you know what I mean).
I’d post pics of the hotel and festival, but the stupid internet filter here at work says that’s a no-no, so maybe tonight when I get home? Aaahh, who am I kidding. I never go on the computer at home. You’ll have to Google it or something.
And now? Well, since the trip is my Valentine ’s Day present, I need to do something for Valentine’s day that will truly express how grateful I am for this awesome guy who manages to put up with my shenanigans. Time to put the ole’ thinking cap on. Suggestions are appreciated…
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Snowboarder Extraordinarre

Friday, January 9, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Why did I just do that?

Horseback riding is also beyond time-consuming, especially if you do it the right way. These guys need exercise a minimum of twice a week to keep them sane, but more like 3- or 4- times a week if you want to keep them athletic. Exercising them takes an hour. Grooming and tacking them up takes half an hour. Untacking them and putting them out takes half an hour. And then there’s clean-up and commute time. We’re talking several hours a day, 2 to 5 days a week. Once you own a horse, you’re a horse-owner. That’s it. There’s very little time to be an author or a fitness fanatic or a violinist or anything else that might take up significant time to achieve, at least for us working folk. In other words, it's one of the biggest commitments you'll make in your life, and it's to a 1,000 lb partner that usually doesn't have the sense god gave a doorknob.
So if this entry sounds like a giant argument for why NOT to buy a horse…well…that’s the point of it. I’m trying to talk myself out of buying a horse by listing the various reasons that I could find myself eyeball-deep in shit, both literally and metaphorically speaking. But the problem with this approach is that I’ve been reciting this list in my head for years now, and every time I do it I find myself to be less convincing.
There will always be a myriad of reasons why I shouldn’t buy a horse. There will always be other places where the money would be better off going, and there will always be other things in life that are more worthy of my time. And yet, day after day, week after week, month after month, I dream of breaking and training and riding on my own terms – not on the terms of some client who is paying me, and not on the terms of some owner who is throwing me a pity ride. So who knows what will happen. Will there always be a reason to not buy a horse? Absolutely. But sometimes you gotta ignore your head and go with your heart. And my heart is telling me to get my butt back in the saddle – MY saddle - where it belongs.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Tuesday Funny

Shanking will always hold a special place in my heart <3
Monday, January 5, 2009
Owning the Mountain

Friday, January 2, 2009
Starting 2009 Off With A (Cliche) Bang

I’m sure there is more I could do to improve my life. I am undoubtedly a “work in progress” and hope to be so until the day I die. But I figure this is a good start. I mean, what could be better than fresh air, healthy food, self-expression, and good oral hygiene? Well, I’m off to start improving myself via the above activities….well, actually, I’m off to continue writing this newsletter on cytomegalovirus. But AFTER THAT, I’m off to improve myself.