Monday, March 8, 2010


Sorry guys.
I know I've been MIA on this blog lately, but cut me a break, will ya?
I'm going bald, for chrissake.
Oh yeah, and my husband is about to get laid off on May 3 and I don't really have a job, per say, and OMG I'm about to have an aneurysm.
(No, that's not the mystery illness, but seriously - shit is getting very real around here).
In other words, it's hard to be funny when life is kicking you in the babymaker.
Hopefully things work out. In the meantime, I've been too worried about potentially losing the house to blog.
Is it any WONDER that I'm losing my hair?!?!
But now, you'll excuse me - I need to get back to that aneurysm.


Anonymous said...

Whatever is going on, good luck and try not to stress out too much. :)

Travis said...


It's a bad time to call in that loan? Just tell Knuckles to head back this way.

Oh. And stay clear of his bat.

Kim said...

I've been wondering how you've been and what's going on. That sucks about the husband's job.

Mr. Apron said...

I'd like to say something funny, but I think I'll just stick with "good luck."

Good luck.

anya said...

Yikes! Just listen to your intuition Lily, not your fear. You and Brian can get through anything. Focus on the positives. There is a reason for all of this - even though it makes no sense right now! Keep your faith and best of luck.

Christina Harper said...

It's okay, sweetie. Everything has its ups and downs. This too shall pass and I wish I could say something funny to make you laugh and squirt weird fluids out of your nose and restore your hair from baldness...

But, sorry, I just ain't a miracle worker. :(

Ed said... have rainbow

adrienzgirl said...

Lily whatever is going on will lead you to where you and hubby are supposed to be.

It'll get better. Promise.

Hang in there kiddo!

Tgoette said...

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” Henry Ford

Hang in there. It WILL get better.

kanishk said...

good luck and try not to stress out too much. :
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