Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The "Plate of Shrimp" Theory

My coworker Elise has a theory called the “Plate of Shrimp” theory. Well, it’s not her theory, exactly. Some movie from the 80's (I think it was Repo Man) actually generated the theory. The guy says (and I quote)

"Say you're thinking about a plate of shrimp. Suddenly someone says plate, or shrimp, or plate of shrimp. Out of the blue. No explanation. No use looking for one either. It's all part of the cosmic unconsciousness."

But since nobody remembers the 80's anyway, we’ll just say its Elise’s theory. She has extrapolated on that concept to believe that random happenings in the universe often occur in two’s, in quick succession. For example, somebody who sees a plate of shrimp is likely to see another plate of shrimp in that same week. It pretty much describes the way that some off-the-wall discussion or event or subject matter reappears in some form or another within a few days. And then we all say, “Hey, that’s weird. We were just [talking about, watching, etc] this thing, and here it is again.”
You get the point

So remember the subject of my most recent post? Sloths? Well, Elise just came in today with this comic strip. Not only is it HILAROUS, it discusses sloths, which in itself is a strange and infrequent subject of conversation—except for this week, apparently.

And you know what? My coworker Elise has been absent from this blog completely, except for this week. This week, she was in two posts in a row!

So there you have it. The Plate of Shrimp Theory.


Anonymous said...

This happened to me yesterday. I went on a farm visit in the morning and they were talking about how they harvested "rainbow" carrots - carrots that can be purple, orange, or yellow. I had never heard of such a thing. Later that night a friend of mine said he had made a juice out of rainbow carrots and kale. Cosmic consciousness? Or are rainbow carrots suddenly becoming popular?

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm famous! Mentioned twice in one day!

Not many people are aware of the shrimp theory, but my husband and I use this phrase together all the time, to the endless and amusing puzzlement of people within earshot.

Unknown said...

No one is going to read what you said, because bubbles.