Friday, December 12, 2008

Water, Water Everywhere...

I'm getting ready to leave for work this morning, as always. Dogs let out? Check. Lights turned off? Check. Pants on? Check.

As I'm walking out the front door, I casually glance out the back window.
"Hmmm. The creek looks a little high," I say to myself. I stop and puzzle. I walk to the kitchen window.
"Hmmm. The creek looks REALLY high."
I open the back door and walk on the deck.

This is what the backyard looks like:

So the bad news is that we have a sump pump that stopped pumping automatically and now needs to be run every hour for about 2 minutes to keep the water from flooding the house.

But the good news is that I had to stay home and keep an eye on the pump.
I don't care how old you are, a "snowday" (or should I say, "floodday") is ALWAYS exciting.
HOORAY! Happy Weekend, Everybody!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have two sump pumps in our basement: a little one to handle regular rainy days, and a huge mo-fo one for the occasional monsoon. Problem is, neither of them are quite right, so someone has to be home to keep checking the basement periodically. Today is husband's turn.