Thursday, May 7, 2009

Horoscope Comparison Shopping

Today’s horoscope for Capricorns:

Thanks to undependable, fickle Mercury, you’re on course for a rather erratic day. In terms of work or school you’re likely to experience the feeling that you have hit a brick wall; it may even be that it’s not as simple as a right solution and a wrong one. If so, then don’t be afraid to seek advice!

Once again, it’s totally off target. Every day I check my horoscope (because it's easier than doing my job), and every day I roll my eyes because it couldn't be more wrong. I thought that horoscopes were supposed to be so universally applicable that you could chose any sign, be it Leo or Aquarius, and the horoscope would be in synch with what’s going on in your life.

Something smells fishy (and for once, it's not me. gross.)...

So, I did an experiment. I just searched out 3 different horoscopes for my sign: Capricorn (aka, the Goat… you know it's sexy!)


It's easier than ever to maintain a sense of objectivity today -- your ability to see all sides of all questions is peaking, and while it might drive a few friends crazy, you can be relied on to be fair to all.


Your mind seems full of the desire to heal and make happy. This is what you teach and you may have the opportunity for teaching positive thinking. There are opportunities today to plot your path to a good financial future. For investments you might check out the companies that make paper goods . . . there are stock improvements along this line. If you are unattached, you may want to scan the horizon for someone new. It is a good time to think about improving your surroundings.


Today, whether you like it or not, you might have to let go of a few things that you thought were 'must haves' to keep the peace between you and your peers or teammates. Making a compromise is not what your ego wants to do, but your brain understands that it's the best thing to do. Letting go of something you really want can be an empowering experience -- you are keeping your desires from overpowering your common sense.
Houston, we have a problem.

Soooo, let me get this straight. Today I’m supposed to feel erratic, unmotivated, objective, and optimistic. I’m supposed to be confused, yet see all sides of an issue. I’m supposed to forge a new path while compromising my needs.

Well, only one of those descriptors is accurate: I'm DEFINTELY confused.

More importanlty, I’ve officially stopped believing in horoscopes – not that I ever really did believe in them, but let’s be honest, life is a crapshoot and I could use all the help I can get to survive another day without spontaneously combusting in the futility of it all.

So, to those of you who are really into this horoscope, I truly apologize for revealing the man behind the curtain. Sure it’d be great if there was some path we were supposed to follow that is guided by celestial objects floating high above, but a little “horoscope comparison shopping” has proven otherwise, at least as far as I’m concerned.

Yep. As much as I hate to say it...
Horoscopes are a bunch of taurus.


Jamie said...

I don't believe you! But then again we always knew that you weren't a true Capricorn, so maybe that's why they don't apply?! :)

Wheels said...

I love reading different horoscopes! In fact, I actually prefer to read them the day after to see if they were right - I highly suggest it!