Friday, May 22, 2009

The Inane Ramblings of a Woman In Need of a Vacation

I’ve got nothing today.

I’ve been writing a 5,000 word monograph on glioblastoma, which has sucked out all of my desire to write creatively and left me thinking that every headache and eyelash twitch is a malignant brain tumors and HOLY CRAP I’M TOO YOUNG TO DIE! Not to mention the fact that it’s the Friday before a holiday weekend and it’s hot as balls in here because we’ve had 3 electricians in the office and none of them can figure out why the a/c isn’t working. Not to mention the fact that I’ve got trekker brain (along with my tumor), and all I can think about is being outside with my boyfriend and my dog in the fresh air far away from this office where the only things that are important are food, water, and shelter, instead of filling out some asinine service request because our printer says “toner supply low” and I keep getting emails from the GD System Administrator saying:

Your mailbox has exceeded one or more size limits set by your administrator.
Your mailbox size is 234609 KB.
Mailbox size limits:
You will receive a warning when your mailbox reaches 225000 KB.You may not be able to send or receive new mail until you reduce your mailbox size.
To make more space available, delete any items that you are no longer using or move them to your personal folder file (.pst).
Items in all of your mailbox folders including the Deleted Items and Sent Items folders count against your size limit.
You must empty the Deleted Items folder after deleting items or the space will not be freed.
See client Help for more information


So this needs to be addressed, but in the meantime, I have a haircut at 12:00 because the woman who usually cuts my hair pretty much butchered it last Monday for no apparent reason, so I have a serious case of “pyramid hair” going on and a lingering sense of “ugly” (ladies, you know what I’m talking about). And then we get out at 3:45 today because summer hours have officially started, which is DA BOMB (did I just say “da bomb?” What is it, 1994?), but then I have to go home and clean the house because we have one of Brian’s friends staying to watch that little hellhound known as Milo, and I’m going to have to stop on the way home and buy extra cleaning supplies, because lord knows that little POS thinks nothing of relieving himself on our hardwood floors, which are in turn rotting away because his piss is eating through the protective clear coat.

And then finally, FINALLY we’ll get to leave for Virginia at that magical hour of the morning I call “too efffing early” to go hiking. Why is it that all outdoor activities require that you get up in the middle of the night to do them? First it was horseback riding, then skiing, and now this. Honestly, all I want to do is sleep in until noon like I used to do in college, but now that I’ve graduated from “wake the f*ck up, you’re an adult now and you’ll never have fun again” school, every time I sleep past 8:00 I get this horrible sense of guilt that won’t go away until I’ve paid my penance by getting down on my hands and knees to scrub the entire living room floor with a sponge and a bucket of water, because we don’t own a mop and that swiffer wet-jet is no match for dog piss and crushed bugs.

But on a positive note, I got a pedicure on Wednesday and honestly, is there anything better in life than sitting in an automatic massage chair while my feet get soaked and scrubbed and exfoliated and my toes get do-daded up in pretty red polish?

If there is, then I don’t want to know about it.

Happy Memorial Day weekend, everybody!


Elle said...

Two weekends ago, my body REFUSED to allow me to wake up until 1pm. When I finally realized what time it was, I thought half of my lifespan had been wasted. I call for protest - how can we go back to not feeling guilty over sleeping late?!?!

Have a great memorial day!

Unknown said...

HOT AS BALLS?! Now that's hot. Also, I very much identify with this Some Ecard. At the end of the day (everyday) when I'm submitting my time sheet, I think about what I did and which clients I can charge and think, "Hm. Fuck all. AGAIN."

I mean... I love my job.

Wheels said...

I love the sommee card in this post! So true!