Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Inappropriate Texting

Oh my god, dudes, it's 1:23 in the afternoon and I've barely gotten any work done here at the office, which is on par for me on any given day, but today is different because I actually have work that needs to get done, oh, this century maybe. So it's going to have to be a short post, because I can't rationalize taking an hour to blog about whatever BS I usually come up with while I've taken up at LEAST an hour during the morning just chatting and generally being a lazy whore.

[Sidenote: wow, that was a long two sentences. I think I've had too much coffee this morning]

So, allow me to present you with my own personal texts from last night moment that occurred yesterday:


Me: Hey Babe. I got my hair did and my brows waxed during my lunch break, so I'll be looking smokin' hot and way less hairy when I get home. You'll probably want to do me, FYI

Brian: You just sent this to my work cell

Me: Do they monitor your work cell?

Brian: If they haven't before, they certainly are going to now


So there you have it.

Lily: Broadcasting embarassing sexual information since 1982.

I'm a keeper, aren't I?


anya said...

I just spent the last hour reading texts from last night...while neglecting my toddler. Whoops.

Anonymous said...

That's important information. It will help his work performance and so nobody should complain.

Emily said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! This could only happen to you in real life.

The word identity is French today, "couggre." Wait, isn't that the French version of a Cougar?