Friday, October 2, 2009

Friday's Featured Follower

Editor's note: stupid #@*$%& google blogger has totally messed up my spacing. For the hot mess that is this blog post, I apologize


I have no material. What else is new?

So, I figured I'd spread the love (and a little VD) by featuring another follower. I’m thinking this might be an every Friday thing, only because I love alliteration like a fat kid loves cake.

Actually I love alliteration almost as much as I love cake.

And that is saying something.

Today’s Friday Featured Follower (wow, I got all tingly in my girl parts just writing that) is relatively-new-follower Ed over at Ed’s Funny Pages.

Why I want to do sexy times with his blog:

Beyond the fact that his picture is a giant-headed person drawn on Microsoft Paint (or with some equally archaic art system), which immediately makes him awesome because Microsoft Paint is near and dear to my heart, Ed’s blog is funny.

Very funny.

And, well, I like to laugh, so this is a good thing.

He’s like a cup of hilarious, a teaspoon of random, a tablespoon of dirty, a dash of sarcastic, and a pinch of wise.

Mix it all up, and you’ve got Ed’s Funny Pages.

With a giant head.

God, there’s nothing funnier than a giant head on a teeny tiny body

(I was always a sucker for physical comedy).

Okay, well there is ONE type of physical comedy that’s funnier than a giant head. You know what I’m talking about:

It’s the “portray someone being thrown across the room by replacing them with a poorly-constructed dummy” schtick.

Like so:

(skip to 1:02, although the whole clip is HYSTERICAL and I want to give a Beej to the guy who invented Fresh Prince of Bel Air)

Anywah, where was I. Oh yeah.

Ed’s Funny Pages: ALMOST as funny as person who has OBVIOUSLY been replaced with a dummy being thrown across the room

One of his most memorable posts:

This one. Probably not his most memorable, but I think this was the first post of his that I read, and it made me hit the “follow” button faster than you can say banana hammock. Yeah, I’m totally a fan of his bits & pieces (hot).

The Patrick Swayze bit was hysterical (although I will admit, it took me a minute to figure it out).

The Pure Romance segment was completely random (if not TMI)

The Hand-Tossed Pizza part had me all “woah, this is a funny cat”

The MJ Lawsuit section was…educational? And made me feel poor. But we’ll overlook it just this once.

And finally. The booger paragraph? WOW. 100% classy, all the way.

So. Yeah. Ed’s Funny Pages.

Be there, or be square.

And if you want to be in the running to be next week’s Friday’s Featured Follower, hit the ole’ follow button on the right, and maybe grace my blog with a few comments.

(A word to the wise: boosting my ego will bring you to the front of the line. Making me think too hard will send you straight to the back.)

Happy Friday, folks.


Ed said...



You know, you're probably the funniest female that I follow.
That's why I referred my buddy Travis from I Like To Fish to you.

You rock!

adrienzgirl said...

Damn Ed, does your wife no that women are pimping you out all over the blogosphere? I hate to theorize about what it is you do to make all the ladies swoon. But, the word manwhore comes to mind.

BUT, I still love you, ain't got nuttin' but love for ya!

Ed is funny, I heart him!

Mr. Apron said...

Holy shit.

I just realized that I'm not a follower of yours.

How gay is THAT?

I just rectified the situation.

Now how 'bouts a little love?

Jamie said...

Dude, I LOVE alliteration. Wait, scratch that, I ADORE alliteration! Ha!

Travis said...

So, I started typing this whole comment in the word verification form. It's been that type of day. Anyway, Ed's my boy! That's awesome! We totally talk on Google chat about how we're gonna take over the world... You'll all be laughing so hard you won't notice!

Jess said...

I found you through Jamie's blog and you are too hilarious!

I clicked the "Follow" button so fast I got finger burn...

And I'm pretty sure you've helped me discover that I'm dyslexic cause I've been reading your name as Tapdancing in the PARK...

Thanks for the laughs! :)

Unknown said...

SWEET, going to check him out!