Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Disclaimer: This is a rant. It's a doozie. If you're not in the mood, I don't blame you. Go get some ice cream and stop by tomorrow, when I'm funny again. Or at least not all preachy.


Once again, the Media reminding me why it’s on my List of Hate (right in between WalMart and Republicans, in case you were looking).

Maybe it’s because I spent all morning with the dregs of society in my local Social Security Office trying to get my married name on my social security card so I can get a new drivers license so I can open a joint savings account with my husband so we can cash the checks we got from the wedding (and the knee bone is connected to the thigh bone)…

But I’m feeling all hatey and shouty and would like to state once again for the record that the Media can BLOW ME for scaring the crap out of people for no good reason.

Point of reference: The H1N1 Flu (because we can’t call it Swine Flu anymore because dumb, gullible, ignorant people stopped buying pork when it was called that. Those poor pork farmers. They didn't stand a chance...)

It would appear that the Media is having a slow news month. I totally get it – Iraq is old news, reporting on Afghanistan gets people all confused and bewildered, and healthcare reform is drowning in the muck and mire we like to call “The Senate.”

So what do you do when you have nothing else to report on? Find a slightly concerning story and blow it out of the water.
Make it big.
Make it dangerous.
And scare the ever-living daylights out of anyone who might be listening/reading/watching by telling them IT WILL HAPPEN TO THEM unless they tune in at 6:00 to get insider information about how they can protect themselves and their families from this menace of apocalyptical proportions.

And that’s exactly what’s happening with this H1N1 pandemic.
While it is a cause for concern, it’s CERTAINLY not anything that people should be losing sleep over. And yet the Media, in its desire to get good ratings, would have you believe that the H1N1 virus will kill you, your children, and probably your dog too.

And that’s just mean, man.

This all started when I was reading a friend’s blog (you know who you are. Hey there! How’s life? Let’s do shots!). She was discussing the H1N1 virus, talking about how it was so hard to get the right information, and understandably upset, as she has children and wanted to know if she should vaccinate them and where she could get it. So first off, yeah, it’s a shame that is SO FREAKING HARD to get accurate, up to date information on these kinds of things, as The Media are no help whatsoever (and usually perpetuate more alarmist propaganda than actual facts).

So I left a comment, noting that despite what the Media are saying, the H1N1 virus is not really any more dangerous than the normal influenza virus (although it IS more often affecting children than the elderly, which is abnormal), and recommended that she should vaccinate if she felt comfortable doing so, but not lose any sleep over it, because even if her kids DID contract it, as long as they have no underlying conditions, they’ll probably be fine.

Excepting, of course, for the daytime TV they will inevitably watch while home from school, which can be…erm…educational…to say the least.

But then this other person leaves a comment on her blog saying,

Lily, worst case scenario is far worse than that and that is why it is so scary. If this flu only made us sick for a few days and only required some bedrest and fluids, no one would be talking it about it like this. In fact, it is a far worse flu than most of the other flu's out there - and the severity of it can multiply quickly, causing serious and sometimes irreversable respiratory damage. My oldest son had pneumonia last year and this is why I'm especially worried and concerned - he's also in kindergarten this year. So yeah, I'm scared.”

And I’m not posting this out of malice or trying to indicate that this person is stupid or anything like that, because with all this Media hype, I can totally understand how she would get this impression.

Especially with articles like this one out there stating that the president declared an H1N1 emergency. Because if you were reading that headline, wouldn’t you be scared too?

And then the article throws out this paragraph:

Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

And without any other facts to put this information into context, it kind of feels like the end of the world, doesn't it?

But it’s not.
Because the flu – you know, the one that goes around EVERY YEAR – is even more deadly. says:
"In the U.S., an estimated 25–50 million cases of the flu are currently reported each year — leading to 150,000 hospitalizations and 30,000–40,000 deaths yearly."

So now that you have this information, doesn’t that statistic about H1N1 – that it has hospitalized 20,000 people and killed 1,000 – seem a little less scary? Even a WHOLE LOT less scary?

Yes it does.

But most Media outlets fail to provide this information. Because they want you to be scared. Because scared people KEEP READING/LISTENING/WATCHING to get more information, even if the information they are getting isn’t accurately represented.

The bottom line?
To everyone out there who is wigging about the H1N1 virus and is considering moving their family to the bomb shelter out back until this whole thing blows over, I’ll repeat what I told this friend when she first posted her concerns:

Dear [awesome blogger whom I adore]

Don't panic.
H1N1 is the FLU. Nothing more, nothing less. Yes, people are dying from it, but people ALWAYS die from the flu. Every year. It's nothing unusual. And YES some children are dying from it, but most of these kids have underlying health issues.

So, you have nothing more to fear from this flu than from any other. Make sure your kids are healthy, vaccinate them (if you can find it, and god help you, because there is a SERIOUS shortage, at least in the US), and hope for the best.

Worst case scenario?Your kids will get the flu. They'll feel sick for a couple of days and you'll have to give them lots of juice and let them watch daytime TV, and then they'll get better.

AND THAT, people, is why you shouldn’t blindly trust the Media.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go sit in the shower for a couple of hours in the fetal position because I am TRAUMATIZED from my visit to the Social Security Office this morning.
I think I have post-traumatic stress.
And possible herpes.


anya said...

I heart you, you know that, right?

Ps. If I die, you are going to BE SO,SO SORRY. :)

adrienzgirl said...

Oh Lily Lily Lily, you are all sorts of spun up huh? God I love a good rant! Makes me feel better about my propensity to blow shit wide ass open!

There is a pandemic out there, it's called Fucking Stupidity!

Wow! I feel better! Thanks!

Oh, AND I gave you an award. I woulda sent you an email, but I don't have your email. You need to fix that shiz for real! So go get your badass award from by blog!


Unknown said...


I only panicked about the stupid flu when letters were sent home from the school, offering to line my child up with the 100 of other kids in the school, all of whom have PROBABLY ALREADY been exposed, to give them the shot.

Then I thought, shit, what is the hub-bub?

Bottom line, I've never given my kids the flu shot, why would I start now?

Right. I'm not going to. I will deal with the flu, should it hit us as I would any OTHER year.

Elise said...

One thing that's really freaking parents out is the increased death rate in the young, such as that one high school student in the news who was fine on Friday, dead by Saturday night. Because the immune system is stronger in the young, the response to the virus can actually kill the person.

But you are right about the media -- they live and breathe on bad news. Wait til something new happens, so they'll obsess about something else.

Ed said...

Our love affair is official.

What is it with me and darkhaired liberals? Geez.

They are so going to pull my elephant membership card.

One slight correction:
Worst case scenerio is death.
Other than that, party H1N1.

Lily said...

Hey guys! Lookit! I'm responding to comments!

Anya: you and I should get married (and don't die. It will hurt my street cred)

Adrien: Go rent the movie "Idiocracy." It says everything

Stacie: For a penguin, you're surprisingly rational

Elise: Good point. Touche

Ed: Isn't death ALWAYS the worst case scenario? Well, that, or being locked in a room with the Jonas Brothers. One person's heaven is another person's hell. Word.

Ashley said...

I am so tired of H1N1 - and you blog put my exact thoughts on the subject into words.

The death toll DOES should terrible out of context.

Thanks dude!

Unknown said...

Penguins can be rational...'cept for that whole one mate for life...that's just fucking ridiculous.

Travis said...

You and I are both ranting today. That's tight.

I will kick the swine flu in the nuts, and I have diabetes. That's real.

I've said this once today, and I'll say it again.

Fuck all that noise.

Amy said...

Clicked over from your comment on Loukia's blog. What I hate the most about H1N1 is the media circus and fear mongering surrounding it. So tired of it. We hardly know what to be afraid of anymore!

Erin said...

Elise- The girl that died was from Naperville, IL (about 40 mins from where I live) WGN Radio (Talk news) posted a story stating that she had an underlying heart condition which ultimately caused her death, but this information was less publicized than the initial "Girl died of swine flu" story. (Link here:,0,6945953.story)

Lily- I agree with you 100 percent. The media feels the need to sensationalize a story every few weeks. I have known four people who had H1N1 this year, two over the age of 70, and didn't even know the difference from the regular flu. They were suprised to learn they had swine flu. One statistic from IL is that 90 percent of the tested cases of flu turned out to be H1N1 in September, yet only 19 people died from it and 70 percent had underlying health conditions.

People should be as scared of this flu as they are of any other highly contagious disease. Keep your self and your children healthy by basic hygeine, good diets, and rest. It's a fact that children are more suspectible to everything. If you are a parent who vaccinates- then do so, if not- then don't. If I had a child, who had an underlying medical condition I would, otherwise I wouldn't. Do what you feel is necessary, but don't run around like a chicken with your head cut off, cherry-picking the scariest SWINE facts you can find.

I have to end with "Be well" after that rant. :)

Mike Sturm said...

Lily, Lily, Lily....

What we have here is what I call "Acai Berry Syndrome". I used to work for a national vitamin and supplement retailer, and starting in December of '08 I was bombarded by throngs of overweight suburban women mispronouncing the name of a Portuguese fruit and demanding that I tell them how it could make them lose all of their baby-weight. I had to tune down my smile a bit as I told them "Oprah was wrong". I also had to explain the plethora of ads disguised as blogs documenting women's phenomenal weight loss by using 1 pill and one colon cleanser, which you could buy for a yearly membership fee. This bullshit lasted until I left said company in July. For all I know, it is still ongoing.

My point here is that for anyone motivated enough to make a big deal about something, there is a corresponding set of facts that, when properly arranged and when proper omissions are made, will serve to "show" why said thing is a BIG DEAL, MAN!!!! Death Panels, Obama's birth certificate, Falcon Heene, Intellegent Design, and on and on!!!

Perhaps the best example, though? Autism and vaccinations. I think it is at once the paradigm case, and the outer limit of this Acai phenomenon. At some point, a person who is choosing whether or not they will believe an outlandish proposition will have to weigh the costs and benefits of acting on the belief that it is indeed true. At this outer limit a person is essentially deciding that it might just be worth it to take seriously a small handful of inconclusive studies and just allow their kids to battle rubella, the mumps, and polio. Because hell, FDR didn't get vaccinated, and though he DID get polio, he was still president for 3 full terms, and he certainly wasn't Autistic! But for what it's worth, the Yalta conference was a little weird when he didn't look Stalin in the eyes one time.

Leah Rubin said...

Right arm, sistah! The real epidemic is ignorance, and there's no stopping that! I'm with you 100% on this-- it's not like a 'rant' is a bad thing!

Mr. Apron said...


Thank you for this.

If I see Dr. Nancy Snyderman (Chief Medical Bullshit Artist) on the TODAY show one more time talking about this horseshit, I'm gonna jam way more than a vaccine up that cunt's nostrils.

Lily said...

Ashley: Glad I could rant for you

Stacie: Hell fucking yes. Everybody knows that you get a mulligan on the first marriage. Right?

Travis: Maybe Wednesdays were made for ranting. Uh-oh - did I just start a new installment?

Amy: Exactly. I think the point is that you shouldn't wait for the media to tell you what to be scared of. You need to figure that out on your own.

Erin: All joking aside, I'm pretty sure I actually had H1N1 on my honeymoon. And look - I'm STILL ALIVE. It's a MIRACLE! ppsshhttt

Mike: Right? Sometimes people only see what they WANT to see. (But seriously, how do you pronounce Acai?)

Leah: AWESOME. Let's burn some bras.

Apron: You should shove a syringe with the vaccine up her nose...and into her brain. Bet she won't get

Mrs. Apron said...

Totally off-topic, but that's how I roll:

You can cash your wedding moneys without your name change. Ours were made out to all sorts of names that were not me. All you have to do it sign the same name it's made out to.

Rant was awesome, too. I'm so sick of people freaking out over it. I think I probably had H1N1 back in the spring (Mr. Apron, remember that fever thing I gave to you?), and I'm just darn-tootin' now. The coverage is just insane. I hear one tiny comment -- there's not as much vaccine as we had hoped, it grew slowly -- and somehow this warrants a full story on the evening news? What more is there to say?

carrie said...

You know you can change your drivers license & open a joint bank account without changing your social security card. In fact, I've never changed my SSN card.

Loukia said...

Hey there... thanks for your comment on my blog post about this. I think if I wasn't a parent - I wouldn't care so much about this. Actually, I'd probably be like 'whatever, move on people!' like my attitude was when SARS hit in 2003, which was 2 years before my world changed, when I became a mom. I know that the regular flu kills people. HOWEVER, the regular flu does not kill young, healthy people nearly as often as this strain of flu,
H1N1, does. It is a fact that we have no immunity to this strain of flu and yes, we can all eat healthy and take our vitamins and cough in our sleeves and all that jazz, but the truth is? As a parent, this flu is scary. 2 VERY young, very HEALTHY childred died within days of getting this flu 2 weeks ago in my area and in a nearby city. Needless to say, that caused people - nay, parents - to panic. And rightly so. I also have had my child, 3 years old at the time, suffer from a severe case of pneumonia. So bad he needed an oxygen mask, surgery, a chest tube, morphine. It was a nightmare, to say the least. I never want to see that again. I have seen a child that sick. And so... getting my children vaccinated - with a vaccine that is saving lives and protecting us from this nasty flu - a vaccine that has been approved by WHO and by every doctor I personally know and trust - is wonderful. There is a pandemic out there - and it's real. It's not called "Fucking Stupidity" as one of your commenters stated. While the media is blowing things out of proportion, this is real. It is making young people very ill, and very fast. I am glad we all got the vaccine. The risks of getting this flu are far greater than any adverse effects from the shot! Anyway... at the of the day... we are all entitled to our opinions, right? I just hope this flu goes away.