Monday, September 14, 2009

THAT girl

Did you ever have one of THOSE friends?
You know who I’m talking about…
That friend who you don’t really like but you put up with because for some reason you’re going to be obligated to hang out with him/her on a pretty consistent basis, so you suck it up and smile at them while saying mean things to them in your head?
(Don’t act like you’ve never done it).

Well, there’s this girl I knew in college. She was THAT girl.
I never really liked her.
It was nothing personal; she and I were just from two different worlds. I, being from a world where rationality and common sense prevail, and she, being from a world where hissy fits and tantrums and drama reign supreme, it was pretty fucking obvious that we were not going to get along.

But lo and behold, my junior year of college, we ended up living together with two other women in a tiny 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment.

Forcing you to eat, sleep, shit, and breath in close proximity of 42894390256320430 complete strangers since 1775.

Good times, good times.

So anyway, the year actually went pretty smoothly, despite having to live with this girl who was on, like, 3 different medications for anxiety and depression and went to bed around 10:00 every night and screamed at anyone who dared to make noise in the living room after that hour. At first, I kind of sucked it up and tried to see the good in her, but by the end, we were all grumbly and bitchy and I’m pretty sure I told her off once or twice, but whatever.
We got through it.

The three of them moved across the street our senior year and I stayed to acquire three new roommates of better compatibility
After senior year? I Never heard from THAT girl again, which was fine with me.

I pretty much figured she’d end up on the business end of an electro-shock therapy unit anyway.

But then I reunited with one of the other roommates, with whom I’d been very close before I kind of lost it (on account of co-habitating with the shitty Ex), and ended our friendship, which was totally awful on my part and thank god she is forgiving by nature.

She and I have been chatting on Facebook and have hung out several times and, much to my delight, appears to be returning as a permanent feature in my life.


But whilst messaging on Facebook, our third roommate (not ThAT girl, but the other one), jumped in and expressed a desire for a reunion of sorts, to also include that other, less pleasant character. She wrote:

Hey guys, I was thinking about it and it doesn't fell right to do this reunion without [THAT girl]. I know she and I were talking about it and she really wants to see you guys but she has a family reunion this weekend. Can we take a raincheck and pick a weekend when all of us can be there? Let me know what you think...

Now, as far as seeing that girl again? I figure sure. Why the hell not. It’s been 7 years since college, and chances are, she’s finally grown up, right?
So I said this:

Well, I'd still like to get together this weekend too because, let's face it, it would be a blast. Can we do a 2-part reunion, involving Sunday night and then another weekend later with [THAT girl]?Another option is Friday (tomorrow) night. [other roommate], I don't know what you've got going on, but the only things I had planned for tomorrow night were the gym and the grocery store.Boo.Would [THAT girl] be free then? How 'bout you, [third roommate]?

And she responds with this whammy:

Ugh, I don’t know what to do. I really want to hang out but I mentioned it to [THAT girl] and she got upset. So if I go she'll be mad, but it seems silly not to because we will all be in the same hood. She will be at her parents house all weekend for the reunion, its an all weekend event. Doesn't this feel just like college again??


…..*crickets chirping*

This feels EXACTLY like college.
Good call on that one.

What I really wanted to write? Was that there was a reason why I haven’t spoken this immature, needy C-word since college and yanno what? She’s not invited!

But instead, I calmly acknowledged that I was free to get together and if she wanted to join me, great, and if not? No sweat.

Because I am an adult, and as such, I exercise control over my infantile urges.

So, it would appear that THAT girl is still THAT girl, despite being 27-some-odd years old.
I guess with some people, it doesn't matter how much time goes by.
Once a child, always a child.

So I say good riddance to that.
If I wanted that much drama in my life, I would have stayed with my Ex.

(Speaking of electro-shock therapy...)


Erin said...

Unfortunately that girl is 75% of my female friends from high school. Where the cool bitches at?

Kim said...

Sometimes THAT girl never changes. And by "sometimes" I mean always.

Emily said...

Girl, tell the third roommate that no way, nohow are you gonna hang out with THAT girlno! Life's too short to put up with that shit!

Anonymous said...

Last time I spent time with 'that girl' in my life she stole 30 dollars from my purse.

I suggest you don't hang out with 'that girl'. If you do, don't take your wallet.