Monday, January 4, 2010

I'm Just A Gatekeeper Looking For Her Keymaster

So it's day 1 of my new life as a freelance writer.
The other days don't count. It was the holidays and we had guests and Brian was home and there was MUCH eating and drinking, so let's just chalk those days up to a long vacation.

TODAY is the day where it all starts. Everybody is back to work, and I'm beginning to develop those new patterns and routines that will define my workday from henceforward. Which means that I will be juggling freelance writing, horseback riding, and maintaining order to this tornado of chaos and destructions that was formerly a household (or Brian will beat me.)

(haha, I'm kidding. I think we all know who wears the pants in this family.)

(We're all talking about Milo, right?)

I got up around 7:30, which I think is pretty good. Nevermind the fact that Brian and I both go to bed at the same early hour, namely so he can get up for work at 5:15.
Hey, I need my beauty rest - it's a lot harder looking this gorgeous than you might think.

(says the woman in the ratty bathrobe and Sigorney Waver "Ghostbusters" hair.* Seriously, I think I just saw Zool in the refrigerator)

So at 7:30 I got up, let the dogs out, made some coffee, started a fire, and here we are.
Here we are.

I have to admit - I'm at a bit of a loss. Yes, I have a lot of hours at my disposal, and yes, I have a lot of things that need to be done. I'm just not sure where to start, yanno?
I'm scheduled to ride at 11:00, so I have roughly 3 hours to utilize this morning for other things.
Should I go to the grocery store?
Should I gather up the recyclables?
Should I take down the tree?
Should I take Milo for a run at the dog park? (at the risk of having him get *used* to a morning run, and then god help us all the day I can't get him to the park, because he will punish me)

After so many years of having my work priorities defined for me (and my house priorities squeezed into the cracks of my life in no particular order), I'm finding it difficult to set up a framework for my own life.

Not that I'm complaining.
For the love of god, do not think for a second that I'm complaining.
For sure, this is a marvelous problem to have...
...but a problem, nonetheless.

So I suppose I'll just sit here, drink another cup of coffee, and try to remember what it was like when I was my own boss.
I guess that would be college, although I suspect that 9:00 am martinis are out of the question.

...or are they?

*term first used by my now ex-roommate Crystal. She was fabulous. Not like she's dead or anything. Just dead to me.
I kid. Miss you, Crystal!


Ed said...

Good for you, sleeping in and stuff.

Take the dog for a run.

Exercise will help get the creative juices flowing for your writing.

Erin said...

Good luck working out a schedule for your day. I always end up wasting my "free time" by not planning anything and then sleeping/eating all day.

Emily said...

Morning workouts are always good. OR do whatever makes you happiest first thing in the morning. My new morning routine=Yoga and then a little dancing.

Wait, it's 10:37! Oh god!

New morning plan=sit on the computer.

Hmm, I think I need some of your wake-up discipline...

Kim said...

I think it's harder sometimes to set our own schedules when we can than it is to fall into those schedules others set for us. I hope you find your balance.

Mr. Apron said...

Clearly, you need to spend a large portion of your day watching videos from the Dear Apron Videography Enterprises Library, Ltd.

Once you send payment, that is.

adrienzgirl said...

I am so proud you used Ghostbuster's in a post. I saw the title and I was like wha? No way!

And yet....Lily delivers again!

*licking Lily's face*

You are so freakin' cool!

phairhead said...

good luck!!

and yes yr totally milo's bitch :D

anya said...

When I quit my job to stay at home, it took me about four months to find my groove. Just remember it takes 3 days to make a habit and 3 weeks to break one!!