Friday, January 8, 2010

The Logic Was Flawed From The Start

So, maybe it's the wine talking...but I'm feeling a bit better.

Sure, I'm three-quarters into a bottle of Snoqualmie Reisling (which is not my first choice, but beggars can't be choosers), but I'll be damned if I'm not starting to feel a bit better about my predicament.

Did your comments help?
You're FUCKING RIGHT they did.

And they made me realize that no matter what happens, I'm a capable, relatively intelligent individual (you can stop snickering now) and there's no reason why I shouldn't be able to pull this off.

Sure, I don't have a job.
Sure, I don't have a reliable source of income or any prospects.
Sure I...uh...oh...erm...what was I saying? No job? No income?


This three-quarters of a bottle of Snoqualmie Reisling says that I should try to take a more optimistic attitude, so there you have it. The Reisling says to be positive, and so I must.

Thank you for all of your support. I know I've been leaning on you guys a bit heavily as of late, but let's chalk it up to a passing phase.

In the meantime, let's just hope that no potential employers or clients stumble upon this blog.

...and if you happen to be a potential employer or client, allow me to point out that if I can write this well now, then just imagine how well I can write when I'm sober.

(remind me to delete this blog in the morning)


June said...

It would really suck if a potential employer stumbled upon my blog! When I actually start a serious job hunt I may have to shut down or change my url.

Riesling is always a good choice but I have moved onto the good old reds! And have found many good ones at a very good unemployed cost!!

adrienzgirl said...

I am glad I did the ol' clickety click click this evening. It sucks when my blog buddies get on a good rant or drunk blog and then delete once the beer, or wine goggles have been removed. I always miss all the good shit. But not tonight!

Love you Lily, everything will be alllllllllllllright! Even the Vino said so!

Ed said...

Best Wine-O Post Evah!

sas said...

few things bring more joy to followers than a tipsy blog post.


Kim said...

Drunk blogging is truth blogging.