Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Lamentable Death of Yours Truly

I’m telling you, dudes, I’m not long for this world.
I feel like a big bucket of miscellaneous crap. Wikipedia says I have “general malaise,” but I say I have the early stages of the bubonic plague. The problem is that my symptoms are so nonspecific that I sound downright crazy when I try to tell people how I feel.

Take the conversation I had with my doctor yesterday, for example:

Doc: So, the nurse says you’re not feeling good
Me: Yeah, I’m feeling pretty awful, actually
Doc: What are your symptoms, exactly?
Me: I dunno. I just don’t feel good.
Doc: Muscle aches?
Me: No
Doc: Headache?
Me: No
Doc: Nausea or vomiting?
Me: No
Doc: Sore throat?
Me: No
Doc: Fever?
Me: No
Doc: Cramping?
Me: No

At this point, he looks pretty darn exasperated.
“Fatigue?” He asks, eyes bulging, as if he will drive his ballpoint pencil through my skull if I say ‘No’ one more time.

Me: YES! Yes. I definitely have fatigue.
Doc: Okay, fatigue…and what else?
Me: I dunno. I just don’t feel good.

My Doctor is a saint.

So he gave me a physical exam and orders up a round of bloodwork. His best guess is Lymes Disease, considering that weird mark I had on my lower back about 3 months ago. But if the Lymes test is negative…then what?

As an adolescent, I puked every morning like clockwork. It was like having morning sickness for FIVE GODDAMN YEARS. As a result, the toilet and I developed a close, intimate relationship,and I was accused on several occasions of having bulemia.
As if I would EVER treat my food so callously. Please. Look who we're talking about here..

Problem was, they never figured out what was wrong. I had every test under the sun: I got poked and prodded and scoped and x-rayed. I was given acid reflux meds and barium work-ups and limited diets. It was ridiculous. And to this day, nobody has any idea what was wrong with me. I eventually just grew out of it.

So when it comes to medical tests, for me, the worst possible outcome is one where everything checks out okay.

As a result, I’m now staring at my phone, willing the doctor’s office to call and say “the test came back positive.” It’s truly a strange day when you’ve got your fingers crossed for a Lymes diagnosis.
But at least then they can prescribe me a healthy dose of antibiotics and I can get on with my life.

Until then, I have a wicked case of the “icks” that has me completely wiped out and slumped over and generally pretty pathetic looking.

So my apologies for this weeks’ posts – they are far from my best work – but at this rate it’s all I can do to get through the day without curling up under my desk and refusing to come out until my doctor comes up with a diagnosis…

Or until I keel over and bite the big one.

Which ever comes first.


PorkStar said...

LMAO awww you poor thang, really. If it were Monday, it could easily be categorized as the Monday bug. Tuesday would be the second day hick up, Wednesday, hump day bowel incontinence, Thursday... the monkey disease?


anya said...

I may be stating the obvious, but have you taken a pregnancy test?
(Please don't punch me.)
Whatever the case, I hope you feel better soon! What would your loyal readers do without you??

**Liz** said...

You must get better. I beg of you.

But I will throw you a totally awesome funeral if I have to.

phairhead said...

i'm sorry, buddy : (

i had general bluckiness, it turns out i was just depressed. go figure.

miss you already!

Jeanette said...

Lymes disease is no good, but it's better than a disease with no name tag like that kid at the party no one knows.

Feel better!

Erin said...

I'm sorry you don't feel well.
I actually fainted regularly when I was a teenager and they never found the cause. I even had to give a stool sample. Eventually I stopped fainting.

carrie said...

I had (have? does it ever really go away??) lymes. It blows giant donkey balls.

If it is positive, you should talk to Aunt Sarah about it. She's the queen of lyme knowledge.

Unknown said...

Aww, you poor thing! That sounds pretty awful. I sort of know how you feel. My general health has kind of been in the crapper since Christmas and nobody seems to know what's up. I've been to the doctor three times now and all they tell me is to keep track of what I'm eating and how it makes me feel. I have drawn zero conclusions. And despite seven years of med school or whatever, the doctors haven't either. Hope things pick up for you soon though! Feeling lousy all the time kind of puts a damper on things!

Emily said...

When you die I will hire John Stamos to come cry at your funeral. It will be awesome.