Monday, July 27, 2009

A Service Announcement From Your Local Blogger

You've reached the blog-mail of Lily, world-renound author of Tapdancing In The Dark and lover of all things PB&J (except for that failed attempt by Tastykake, which was truly a monstrosity).

Lily has been struck down with a migraine of epic proportions. As far as she can tell, red-hot ice-picks are being inserted directly into her brain.

As a result, she will not be able to write a blog post today. Or do anything else worth mentioning.

Please stop by tomorrow for more regularly scheduled mayhem.
(unless there's no post tomorrow either, at which point you should assume she took her own life in a desperate attempt to end the pain).

Tapdancing In The Dark


Anonymous said...

Migranes blow but at least your still funny and entertaining.

Erin said...

I hope you feel better.

PorkStar said...

Ask your doc to prescribe you Imitrex, that gets the migraine pain over within 5 minutes.

Feel better, hot thing.

Organic Meatbag said...

Will there still be a box lunch? (That's what he said)???

anya said...

I've had one migraine in my life and I thought I was dying.
Hope you feel better soon!

Jeanette said...

My cure for migranes are drugs and sleep. Legal drugs of course. Feel better!