Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Big, Fat Nothing

I’m not funny today.
I’m dealing with a retarded new coworker with a shiny, brand-new PharmD degree, not a single ounce of job training, real-world experience, or useful skills, and a total lack of the good sense god gave a doorknob.

(and trust me, if I wasn’t bustin’ out of this joint in 8 workdays and 2 workhours, I wouldn’t writing this, but guess what mother-effers? I AM. So you will TAKE this load of crap that I am giving you and YOU WILL LIKE IT)

/explosive, rage-filled rant.

So rather than fulfill my urge to give the finger to about 80% of the office and take a crap on at least 3 different cars in the parking lot, I was going to provide you with this funny email that was forwarded to me.

Trust me. It was hysterical.

But OF COURSE, it had to be in a PDF format, and for the love of Christ, I can't figure out how to transfer the PDF into something that will be accepted by google Blogger.

So would you believe I actually wrote the entire thing out on Microsoft Word?
The whole thing.
Because THAT is how much I love you guys.

But of course, the single time I WANT MS Word to ask me if I want to "save the document" before X-ing out of it, the prompt is nowhere to be found.

So there goes about 35 minutes of my time, right out the window.

And now I've got an empty blog, a lack of inspiration, and a stupid coworker who for some reason keeps asking me if I've had lunch.
Like, every day, she walks back from wherever she's taken her lunchbreak, and the first thing out of her mouth is, "Have you eaten lunch?"

.....Why are you asking me this?
What are you, the lunch police?!?
Last time I checked, I'm a college-educated adult who is capable of deciding for herself whether or not she is going to eat lunch.


So there you go.
I've managed to waste an entire blog talking about nothing except for the fact that I have nothing to talk about.

Sorry guys. I'm a big disapointment today.

And yes, just in case you were wondering, I've eaten lunch.


Elise said...

I hope it was a darn good lunch.

adrienzgirl said...

Lily you are as successful as Jerry Seinfeld when it comes to "nothing"!

Love you! *lick*

Hope tomorrow brings you joy and sunshine and rainbows shoot out your ass and cover the cars of those you wish to shite on today!

Mr. Apron said...


My cousin used to shit on the cars of her various and numerous nemeses back in high school.

And inside their family's mailboxes.

Ed said...

Now that was funny.

Erin said...

Perhaps the lunch police provides free lunches for those who have not had lunch yet... Or maybe she's just annoying.

June said...

I trained a "waitress" for a reception position and she lived up to every bad blonde joke ever told - I have never wanted to choke someone so bad in my life!!

Travis said...

For that very reason alone, I started hitting save instead of the X.

That shit will kill you, as you found out.

You poor bastard.

Go shit on MS Word.