Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Forgive Me Father, For I Have Sinned I'm neglecting this blog.

This blog, which saw me through many, many difficult times at work; which stood by me while I suffered through endless days chained to a desk; which comforted me in my darkest hour.

Now, this blog sits, dusty and sad while I'm out there living my life.

Do I feel bad? Yes.
And no.

You see, I start thinking about this blog and the lack of attention I have been giving it as of late, and I start to feel guilty. Like, "old-school, Catholic guilt" kind of guilty. I start to wonder if I was wrong in believing that I lived and breathed to write. I start to fear that I'll never go back; that I'll never blog again or finish my novel (which has screeched to a halt at 11,000-ish words).

But then, I remember that it's the Holidays. That Brian has been here, spending some quality time with me. That I was forced to stare at a screen, day in and day out, for 5 plus years.
And then I'm all, "Yo, calm the fuck down." And I drink a glass of wine and admire the tree (which will not be taken down until after New Years day), and I allow myself to enjoy the time away from the computer.

Will I be back?
Most definitely.

When the Holidays are over and Brian is back at work, and my freelance projects are rolling in and I've settled into my post-corporate hell routine, I have no doubt that entertaining posts will come at fairly regular intervals.

And of course, if something funny happens...if Brian sets himself on fire or my pants fall down at the grocery store...have no fear that you, my readers, will be the first to hear of it.

But for now, I'm going to enjoy my time with my husband and the horses and my dogs and my family, and thank GOD that from here on out, sitting at a computer will happen not because I'm required to, but because I CHOOSE to.

Happy New Years, everybody.


Ed said...

Happy New Years, Lily!

Enjoy your alone time with B.

See you back here in the new year.

Erin said...

Happy New Years! Enjoy yourself!

adrienzgirl said...

Happy New Year Lily! We will be here when you get done enjoying your alone time! :D

phairhead said...

Happy New Year to you and yr husband and yr animal menagerie!

Travis said...

Take that break.

You've earned it!

Buy some new fish or something.

Mr. Apron said...

That's it... let the guilt seep deeply into your ears and let it singe your very synapses.

Let it happen, Lily....

Sizzle sizzle!