Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Mind-Body Disconnect, Now With Better Dialogue!

Mind: Woah, that was some holiday, right? One for the record books...
Body: Shut up – I’m not talking to you.
Mind: What? What did I do?
Body: You know exactly what you did, and I hate to tell yah, but it was approximately 3,000 calories
Mind: Oh, you’re talking about dinner, right?
Body: What else would I be talking about? Why would you do that? What’s WRONG with you?
Mind: Hey, don’t blame me! They design an entire holiday around eating, and I’m not supposed to overindulge a little bit?
Body: I think “overindulge” is a gross understatement, don’t you?
Mind: Oh, it wasn’t that bad. Look on the bright side! I gave you fruits! And veggies!
Body: Hooray, I’ll be full of essential vitamins when I keel over from a heart attack!
Mind: Okay, okay, I get the point. Too much food. Got it. Next year, I’ll tone it down a bit.
Body: You said that last year.
Mind: But this time I promise. Hey, what was I supposed to do? The in-laws were coming. I had to put on a good show…
Body: That doesn’t mean you have to EAT the show…and while we’re at it, we need to talk about the alcohol.
Mind: What about it?
Body: Well, it was a bit much, wouldn’t you say?
Mind: Oh, I don’t think it was THAT bad. A few drinks maybe…
Body: A FEW drinks?!?
Mind: Okay, more than a few drinks. But it was Thanksgiving weekend…
Body: That’s no excuse. You know, Liver is never going to be the same. He’s having nightmares and flashbacks…
Mind: Oh gimme a break…
Body: We think he might have post-traumatic stress disorder…
Mind: It wasn’t THAT bad…
Body: He’s been barely able to function…
Mind: I’ll make it up to him.
Body: With Christmas around the corner? HAH! Don’t make me laugh.
Mind: I will, I swear.
Body: You know, the Kidneys aren’t in too good shape either, what with all that salt.
Mind: Jesus, let it go already.
Body: I’m just saying…there are consequences to these sorts of things.
Mind: Point taken. Next year, I’ll cut back on the eating and drinking. Now, if you don’t mind, I think I’ll go back to sleep…
Body: Oh no you don’t! We have to go to work.
Mind: Well you go on ahead and I’ll catch up. Say around 11:00 or so…
Body: Okay, but promise you’ll show up eventually? Last Tuesday you totally baled and I had to write half a newsletter without your help. It was pretty rough…I kept confusing “Pathology” with “Pathophysiology” and I might have gotten a dosing scheme wrong.
Mind: I’ll be there. Promise.
Body: Okay, see you at work
Mind: Yep. Just a few more hours…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Body: Idiot...


Kim said...

HA!!!!!!!! This was one of the funniest posts I've read in a long time. Love it!

John said...

Lmao! Ditto... minus the alcohol.

Travis said...

This was great, and I'm going to be honest. I'm going to steal it. Like, probably tomorrow.

Also, your mind put something into small compact squares made of hay for you??

Sorry. Grammar police.

adrienzgirl said...

See, you quit that lame ass job and already you are feeling better!

THIS was hilarious my friend!

anya said...

Ha ha! That doesn’t mean you have to EAT the show…" Classic!

Jamie said...

You too with the alcohol this weekend? The only day I paused from alcohol intake was last Monday. Up until Saturday, I'm pretty sure I was drunk the entire time. My body is still functioning, but I'm pretty sure my liver has gone on strike.

Mr. Apron said...

Man, if my body ever dared talk to my mind like that, my mind would punch my body in its balls.

Ed said...

I always figured you had a split personality.

Just didn't realize the split was at the neck.

Just A Normal Mom said...

That was GREAT! Found you from Travis...

Emily said...

Liver had better buckle down, cause Emmy's coming home for the holidays, if you know what I mean.