Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Generation HUH?

At the risk of sounding like my 4th grade history teacher,
As the generation who is one day going to inherit the world, you’re going to have to do a lot better than this.”

I found a gem of a quiz on Facebook today.

Our friend, the chronic complainer, had taken the quiz and posted the results (I don’t know where she finds the time). According to the quiz, she was classified as “hot,” which immediately alerted me to the possibility that this is the worst quiz to exist on the face of the earth.

I wasn’t disappointed.

Here is the quiz, in all of its mentally handicapped glory:


1. What do u like to do friday's night?
A. stay at home.relax.studdy for a test
B. Hang out with my friends, to the mall or movie.or do a party
C. like to go on msn and chat with my friends

2. what is your favorite pass time?
A. hang with my friends to the mall,or movie
B. hang with my friends
C. go to the library

3. whats your fav food?
A. hot dogs
B. fruits

C. pizza

4. do you have alote of friends?
A. 1-10
B. 1-40
C. 1-20

5. what sport do you like?
A. soccer
B. baseball
C. basketball

I think, my friends, that this quiz requires no further discussion other than, if this is an example of how today’s teenagers are critically thinking and writing, then I have no other choice than to blow my fucking brains out with a sawed-off shotgun.

Oh, hell, who am I kidding? Here is some additional discussion:

Since when does Friday have a night? Since when can you “do” a party? Does adding an extra “d” in “study” mean that you’re studying really hard? When you turn phrases into words (e.g., alot), does slapping an “e” on the end somehow validate it?

More importantly, since when do your favorite pastimes, sports, and foods impact your physical appearance?
If only I had known! If only I had had between 1 and 40 friends instead of between 1 and 20 friends, I could have been more physically attractive growing up. My entire adolescence was wasted being not hot because I like fruit instead of hot dogs. Oh, the humanity!

More and more often, I feel like I’m witnessing the chronic “dumbing down” of our society that inspired such hilarious and disturbingly accurate movies like Idiocracy.

The premise of this movie is that stupid people keep reproducing like rabbits while smart people have fewer children due to careful family planning. This goes on for years, and the average intelligence level continues to decline. Luke Wilson, an average guy who signs up for an army experiment, is frozen for 500 years and reemerges as the smartest person in the world.
I know - it’s kind of silly, but not out of the realm of possibility, right?

Here’s a compilation of some funny parts of the movie (Terry Crews, the black guy, is President Camancho, a wrestling celebrity. lol):

The result of systematic loss of intelligence is hysterical—until you see it happening before your very eyes. What hope for the future can we have if it’s going to be over-run by individuals like the genius who designed the above quiz? I hope and pray that this dimwit is the exception and not the rule, but from what I’ve seen of kids lately, I’m not feeling optimistic. I actually saw a kid try to eat his cellphone the other day when I was out on a jog.

I went home and cried for our species.
This is not a good sign, people. Not a good sign at all.

However, there is good news.
Our society may be deteriorating into a bunch of Forest Gumps, but I’m a hotty.

you are hot, alote of boys have a eye on you, you are sweet and you have alote of friends.u like to jam, and have partys

I totally feel better now.


Organic Meatbag said...

I am totally with you on this...one could argue that if our aggressors were to read these Facebook quizzes that our distinguished youth put together or watch our reality shows, then they will realize how easily we can be overthrown in about another 20 years...we are utterly fucked, because people in this country would rather know how many tubesteaks Tila Tequila can fit in her mouth than would read a book or do something useful...

anya said...

That quiz is as painful to read as it is to watch some of the movies they put out for teenagers today. No wonder they have no brains.

Jeanette said...

Ha! I just saw that movie a few months ago... I love when they water the fields with a sports drink!

The courtroom is also hilarious. And our generation is definitely screwed!

rachaelgking said...

Idiocracy is one of my FAVORITE movies... now THAT is a horror flick.

Because it's probably going to come true.

phairhead said...

hmmmmm , the only more thing more annoying than the Are you Hot? quiz is How Much of a Stalker R U? when i become a fascist dicator, idiots will be rounded up and shot!

Narm said...

Haven't you watched MTV in the last few years? These are the role models of today's youth. In 20 years the guy with the most hair gel and one night stands will be king.

Lily said...

OM: Well, the aliens probably didn't think of that until you wrote it down just now, so GOOD JOB GETTING OUR PLANET OVERTHROWN

Nelle: You're our only hope. Teach them well, my friend

Anya: I agree. I'd rather have a Pap smear than have to read this quiz again

Jeanette: But...but...it had what plants crave!

LiLu: Idiocracy is on the verge of becoming a documentary. I'm frightened. Hold me.

Phairhead: If one could vote for dictators, I'd totally vote for you

Narm: I have not watched MTV in the past few years, for good reason. It makes me vomit. 'nuff said.