Monday, June 29, 2009

Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman's Social Calendar

There are not a lot of benefits to being married to an uneducated, unemployed, abusive man with a developing personality disorder. Trust me on this one. But one of the very few good things about being married to The Ex was a relatively empty social calendar.

You see, The Ex was so socially awkward that he had very few friends, save for a handful of guys he went to high-school with. Even his family had a hard time dealing with him (which should have been a warning). While this situation left me feeling pretty isolated, on the other hand, I had copious amounts of free time on the weekends, which I used to rest up and relax and do my best to try to forget that I was married to a guy with Chronic Asshole-itus.

Now that I’m dating a man with a significant number of family members, close friends, and acquaintances, it’s like the Party Bomb exploded all over my summer. Which sounds great in theory, until you realize you’re booked solid from now until 2015.

Okay, it’s not quite that bad, but the LAST two weekends were crazy and THIS weekend is shaping up to be even crazier, which is already giving me a headache and a bad case of Tourettes. And as the commitments keep piling on, it’s all I can do to resist throwing a temper tantrum of epic proportions (which is exactly what I did yesterday when I went to get dressed for a party and realized that a skirt I used to wear no longer fit over my “milk shake” [I don’t even know what that mean {I also don’t think I could possibly use any more parentheses/brackets}])

I’ve always been kind of an independent person. I have a few close friends, but I’ve never been the type to go out with a gaggle of women and do social-type things. I’ll take hiking with a buddy over partying en masse any day of the week. As such, I’ve come to fiercely protect my “me-time.” I may not be a high-maintenance gal in the traditional sense, but I’ve come to realize that I need a healthy dose of personal rest and relaxation to keep me emotionally stable. This past weekend’s tantrum was a small example of what can happen when I’m forced to shuffle from event to event without so much as a breather.

Between now and next Monday, I have Brian’s brother Scott and his girlfriend Katy staying over for 2 nights, dinner with Brian’s parents (to say goodbye to Scott and Katy), 2 nights of camping, A 1-year-old’s birthday party, and a second dinner with Brian’s parents (to celebrate his Aunt’s birthday).

And I wonder why my left eye is twitching...

For Brian’s sake, I’ll take a deep breath and try to remember that I should be grateful for having so many friends and loved ones. But seriously? If I try on one more skirt that doesn’t fit, I swear to god I’ll unleash a fury that has not yet been witnessed by man.

Brian: If you’re reading this? You’d better bring your riot gear home. You know...just in case.


Erin said...

My last boyfriend had a lot of family obligations that always ended around a fire pit. It was how I spent most of the summer of '07.

I definitely appreciate my "me" time as well. Try to sneak some in there somewhere. Good luck!!

Unknown said...

You're hilarious! I'm envious of you though! I just used up all my vacation time and I have nothing (NOTHING!) to look forward to this summer. Day in, day out, week after week, all summer, work, work, work and nothing else. Not so much as a family dinner. Damn it.

Wheels said...

I'm incorporating "chronic asshole-itus" into my daily vocabulary.

I definitely feel you on the "me" time! I can't handle talking to anyone in the morning/afternoon commute as I need to zone out.

carrie @ brick city love said...

You like it when he brings home his riot gear, dontcha? I can tell. You naughty girl. Wait. What? That got weird.

Jeanette said...

I'm so with you on the hiking buddy before party most of the time.

I just tried on some shorts the other day that didn't fit and totally blamed it on the dryer shrinking them. Although I think both myself and the dryer know that's not true.

headbitingprincess said...

LOLLLY lol lol ..
yes Lily .. "me time" an absolute dream lunked in with "once upon a time" and so on and so forth ... I have been on the "me time" waiting list since.. since early childhood.. I blame Brothers Grimm ..

PorkStar said...

I had the same situation with the wife (we're now separated) but I actually enjoyed it since I spent most of the time working and socializing on my own kinda sucked. So we did lots of socializing with her friends and organizing parties etc.. and the best part? They were all chics!

Now, if it was my turn to be social or invite her to anything related to me or someone related to me (friends/acquaintances), hell would break lose.

anya said...

Reminds me of the years when everyone I knew decided to get married and then have socials, showers, staggettes and wedding rehearsal dinners, not to mention the wedding itself and then the day after party EVERY BLOODY WEEKEND. Whew! I'm so glad my friends are old now. Second marriages have none of that hoopla.

Narm said...

It is always important to have a weekend together with only a couch and a bottle of wine involved.

Emily said...

Skip the Aunt dinner. Seriously. I know EXACTLY how you feel and if you don't take care of the "me time" you'll end up covered in blood with a hatchet in your hand and a block of time that you can't account for. Trust me. Who knows you better? Nobody.

phairhead said...

i'm w/ you a small number of friends and plenty of time to read or hike on the weekend.

bright side, plenty o' free eats this weeks for you!

Mr. Apron said...

How sad! You're blaming the milkshake on poor Brian.

You should blame it on the Ex, even if it doesn't make sense.

Anonymous said...


that's the greatest word.