Monday, August 10, 2009

Bonus Monday Post: Involuntary Blog Shout-Out

Jesus Freaking Christ, my sister is riding my ass to shout out her blog, so I'd better do it before she drives to New Jersey and kicks my ass.
Seriously. She can actually lift me up over her head and throw me.

It's a sight to behold.

So, anyway, even though I JUST tagged her for an award, I'm also forced to give her her own little blog post too. See what happens when you can't play nice growing up? Let this be a lesson to you all...

So yeah, there's my sister, Em. She's an opera singer. Well, she went to school for an unbelieveably long time to be an opera singer. Now she's done with school, and is currently trying to figure out how to be an opera singer while paying the bills. It's like a reality TV show, except if she fails, I'll have to support her financially.


Welcome to the Real World, Em. Please leave your sense of identity and lust for life at the door, lest you soil the carpet.

So, go check her out, or she'll beat the crap out of me, and I'll have to start telling people how I "fell down the stairs" to explain the scrapes and bruises.

Good times, good times.


Emily said...

Firstly, I would hardly call it "riding your ass" when you're the one who suggested it in the first place, and I just sent you ONE email to remind you.

B)I think the "real world" is what you make of it. My real world consists of traveling and cool stuff, and no offices. Though student loans do impose a certain limitation on cool activities.

3. You know Mom is gonna support us forever! And Yuki's brother makes a buttload of money that he doesn't spend. It's got our name on it. You just worry about supporting your pet-acquiring habit!

Lastly, I'm thinking of throwing you over my head from here in Ithaca. Yes, I can do it!

P.S. Thanks for the shoutout.

Lily said...

What, no "thanks for the award, Lil"?!?!?!?

Kids these days....tsk tsk tsk

Funnyrunner said...

awww. what a ... uh... nice sister. :)

Emily said...

It's true, thank you for the award!