Monday, August 17, 2009

Panic At The Disco

Panic? Yes
At the Disco? Not so much (although I would imagine that a disco would be a marvelous place to have a panic attack, what with all the bright flashing lights and people on rollerskates. Trippy.)

I don't even know why I titled this post Panic At The Disco, other than the fact that it's 1:37 in the morning and at this time of night, I tend to make the rules up as I go along.

It's my blog, so whatever. Deal.

Why am I up at 1:37 in the morning, you ask?
Because my close friend Carrie, the woman who threw the most beautiful wedding for 300-some-odd guests in 2007, said to me while we were G-chatting yesterday afternoon, "We need to talk about invitations"

"Oh, yeah," I said, "I've kind of got that figured out."
"Kind of?"
After knowing me for 26 years, she has the good sense to be suspicious of that phrase.

"Well, I saw some cute invitations on Etsy, and Brian said that Staples has wedding stationary kits that we're going to check out after work."

After the word Staples was mentioned, she went kind of quiet, in a way that screamed You are a cheap, cheap bastard! Then she tactfully implied that the "quality of paper" of those Staples stationary packages was not so hot.

You mean there's more than one kind of paper out there?

So I sent her Etsy links to some invitations that my friend Crystal found for me.
She replied, "These are just search results. You haven't narrowed it down yet?"

Was I supposed to? I mean, so soon?

And then she started talking about paper stock and burlap envelopes and fonts and "How do you want them to RSVP?" and I glazed over and my heart started beating way fast.

It wasn't a Panic at the Disco, but it was definitely a Near-Hyperventilation at the Office.

And now at..well...1:54 in the morning (if you want to get technical), I can't help thinking that if the parts of this wedding that were supposed to be easy are difficult, then, holy shit, what are the difficult part gonna be like?

But the good news?
I've narrowed down my color and decorating scheme so that my wedding, according to Carrie, won't look like a craft store or hoe-down.

So...yeah...there's that.


carrie said...

These discussions are supposed to be helpful, not keep you awake at night.

I'm glad you got the invites figured out!! Well on the way to checking it off the list.

I'm emailing you a list, BTW.

Emily said...

Discussions like these are the stuff of nightmares for the former Rishel Girls.