Thursday, April 23, 2009

Balloon Full Of Mayonnaise

I made the mistake of taking a "what are you?" quiz on Facebook today.

Apparently, I'm a balloon full of mayonnaise:

Result: You are a Balloon Full of Mayonnaise
You are a balloon. You are full of mayonnaise. Balloonophobes fear you. Mayonnaisophiles love you. Those who fear balloons yet love mayonnaise are filled with a sense of yearning and terror whenever you are near. This power is intoxicating to you.

Oh, I got a balloon full of mayonnaise, all right. (Am I the only one who sees the dirty connotation of this? Yes? Oh.)

Actually, I think this quiz is pretty ingenious.
Other things you might be if you take this quiz are A Chair and A Suspicious Looking Piece of Mail. My coworker got that one. Luck-EEEE!

So, if anybody wants to know why I bob laround lazily without much purpose, filled to the brim with something that seems to be slimy, and inherently you know why.

This chick would be well advised to stay away from me (unless she is a mayonnaiseophile):


Unknown said...

This post pleases me.

Unknown said...

Where's the quiz that tells you you're a balloon full of mayonnaise? I want to take it!

Emily said...

Many feelings...I have a strange all-consuming desire to find the rest of this show and watch it...but I feel so ashamed...