Seriously, I know it's only April 2nd, but so far, April has really sucked balls. I went to get my taxes done yesterday. Not good. Did you know that the standard deduction for taxes is about $5800? Guess how much of it I got back this year. Zero. Less than zero. WAAAYYYY less than zero. I've heard that can happen, but I didn't think it could happen to me...I actually OWE the government money this year!!! And not just a little bit of money. A whole big spankin LOAD of money. We're talking 4 figures. And this is happening about a week after I just payed my divorce lawyer another hefty 4-figure check for services rendered.
I just threw up in my mouth a little writing that.
Also, while getting screwed by the IRS, I found out that my ex had been screwing me too. Well...screwing me MORE than he already has, which is really saying something. Apparently when we were freshly separated and still "friends," he lied to me about our stimulus check. He told me that because he had filed our taxes late, we weren't eligible for the stimulus package. Made sense to me, and I didn't question it, because I'm one of the most trusting idiots on the face of the planet. Well, lesson learned. Apparently we received a $1,200 check last summer, just like every other married couple in America, and he kept the whole thing. Now, this is not surprising considering the millions of other ways that A-hole screwed me out of money, but finding 2 months after the divorce that he had taken still infuriates me. It shouldn't, but it does. Grrrrrrrr. Grumble grrrrrrrr. I'm festering and fuming and I can feel my eyes squinting shut and my head dropping between my shoulders like Mr. Burns. This is what my ex does to me, which is why I left his sorry ass in the first place.
Dear Ex,
You are pathetic. But you probably need all that money you took from me to buy friends, because nobody would hang out with you otherwise.
Okay, I feel better now. Sorry 'bout that, folks. I try to leave my "Ex-rage" out of my blog, but I'm feeling particularly vengeful today. It won't happen again. Unless I find out that he screwed me out of MORE money while we were married. And then he's a dead man. Am I kidding? Try me...
I'm also partifularly grumpy today because I'm fighting with my previous auto insurance company. I say past because I have since moved on to Geico (which gave me a better deal anyway) after dealing with the scandalous customer service at Liberty Mutual. Seriously, they are just horrible. This is the second month in a row that I'm paying for not only my car insurance, but also my Ex's insurance as well. Despite the fact that we are divorced, the title is in his name, and he's living somewhere in Philadelphia. Despite the fact that I cancelled my policy last month.
Dear Liberty Mutual
Go train your Customer Service Representatives on how to...oh, I their jobs. And then get it through your big fat heads that I don't live in Voorhees and haven't lived there since February of 2008, so maybe you should consider updating my address. And then eat a dick.
Oh, and did I mention we now have a mouse going through our kitchen drawers one-by-one, searching for food and in the process pooping on everything? When you have a snake living in your basement and a cat living in the rest of your house, how can you possibly have a mouse problem?!?!? Skittles needs to get in the game. I'm considering not feeding her until she catches the mouse. Hey, you call it animal abuse...I call it a highly effective bargaining strategy. That cat is worthless.
Okay, I'll wrap up this little rage-fest. Serenity now and all the rest. I have many things to be thankful of, and I just need to focus on the positive. Like, for example, I get to go back to work on Monday. No...wait....that's not positive. Okay, how about the fact that I've lost weight thsi past month....oh wait, that was muscle I lost, not fat. Hmmmm.
Alright, it's not working. Here's a pretty picture I took while canoeing with Brian the other night. Now leave me alone so I can drown in my negativity in coffee and tastycakes. Breakfast is served
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