Wednesday, April 8, 2009

[Insert Creative Title Here]

Hellooo out there!

If you've come to this site expecting to be entertained by a quality post, I have the pleasure of informing you that nothing creative will be coming out of this brain today. I'm pooped!

I had one of those nights where you wake up to roll over and somehow just don't go back to sleep. My brain was kicked into high gear, and I don't know if it was because the room was a little too warm or because Brian was hogging up the bed or because Jericho was chasing rabbits in his sleep and his claws were tippy-tapping against the wood floor, but I just could not sleep last night. Like, at all. Between the hours of 1:30 and 4:30, I was more awake than I am on any given day at the office, which is SO not fair.

But at least I wasn't staring at the ceiling, stressing out over finances or anything (which I probably should have been doing because I have to pay taxes and deductibles and I own a car that is probably not even safe to drive). It was all good stuff that was going through my brain. A lot of future-type things have been figured out recently and directions have been decided upon and plans are beginning to be mapped out, which is totally awesome but not a subject that should be mentally broached in the wee hours of the morning.

I can't disclose much, but one thing that has FINALLY been launched is my career as an award winning novelist (insert snort of sarcasm here). I've taken that first huge step and finally have a few paragraphs down on paper - paper, in this case, meaning Microsoft Word - and as far as I'm concerned, that was the hardest part. I can't tell you how many times I've sat down to begin writing that thing and just froze in fear of failure. I mean, what if it sucks? And believe me, in all likelihood, it will suck. But I've decided recently that I need to give it a shot, if for no other reason than being able to look back at my life when I'm 80 years old and say "I once wrote a really crappy novel that nobody wanted to publish." Hey, it's respectible in it's own way, right?

And if you're expecting to read any of it here in my blog, that's a big fat "no way, Jose". Yes, I'm aware that being shy about my writing isn't exactly conducive to geting something published, but one step at a time okay? Geeze....

And did I mention the puppy?
Brian's brother and girlfriend are bringing home a puppy tonight. She'll be staying in the house until next friday, at which point the whole happy family will be moving into their own place, which is kind of sad because I've gotten used to them being around, but is also kind of awesome because we're all more than a little ready to have our own space. Sooo, the next week and a half will be full of puppy fun with zero puppy responsibility. Does it get any better than that? This is how grandparents must feel when they get their grandkids for an afternoon.

And who knows, maybe Brian and I will like having a puppy around so much that we'll get one of our own. PUPPIES!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, time to get back to work, but not before hitting the coffee station HARD because I'm definitly rocking out zombie-style here at the office. So I can't think of a better way to leave you than with puppies. PUPPIES!!!!!!

Okay, I know that last one is a seal, but it's effing cute, so I threw it up there. Don't judge.

1 comment:

carrie said...

Glad things are coming together for you!! So exciting!

The cuteness was almost too much.
